Find Your Mom Tribe: Say Yes and Flourish


mom tribe

Find Your Mom Tribe

Do you find yourself wishing you had a core group of mom friends who could understand exactly what you’re feeling and going through? One that just “gets you” and can provide the kind of support you need… your mom tribe?

Consider checking out your local MOPS, or what will be soon known as The Mom Co. They have an amazing history with fantastic resources for their moms’ groups and a bright future.

If you’d like to find a group close to where you live, you can simply search on the site.

For myself, I’m very excited about the group I am a part of as a leader for this year. I’m looking forward to building and growing this mom tribe together with an incredibly inspiring group of ladies. We are calling ourselves “MOPS in the Valley,” at least until the name change to Mom Co. takes full effect. We meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays (September – April 2023) at 9:30 am-11:30 am at our host, Codorus Church. You are more than welcome to come sometime and see if we are the right “tribe” for you. Check us out on Facebook, and learn more about our group here.

Decor from our first meeting at MOPS in the Valley

Either way, I hope you find your mom tribe and flourish!

The theme they chose for this year is, “Say Yes!” and already we are finding a lot of encouragement, incredible insight, inspiration and more from the resources they provide with this theme.

I hope you “Say Yes!” and join a moms group near you!


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