Make A Difference: Hunger and Homelessness Awareness

hunger, homelessness
“poverty concept : Help with feeding homeless people to alleviate hunger” by kuarmungadd from Getty Images. Canva, 12/02/24.

In the United States in 2024, there are approximately 500,000+ people experiencing homelessness, with 34% of those being families (1). Though there are many organizations who aid those experiencing housing insecurity or homelessness, there are simply not enough allocated resources to support all who face these struggles, including families and children. The organizations who work to benefits those in need rely heavily on volunteers and donations to reach goals and make an impact.

As the weather grows colder, consider getting involved in the effort to help our fellow humans. Homelessness and housing insecurity is not always visible and affects people and families in lasting ways. Demonstrate the importance of activism and kindness with your family this season by volunteering, making monetary contributions, donating goods and necessities, or lending a hand in whatever way makes sense for you and yours.

Below are some incredible organizations to get involved with, though this is not a comprehensive list of resources in the area. As the saying goes, “Our good works are like stones cast into the pool of time; though the stones themselves may disappear, their ripples extend to eternity.” Let us each make ripples of kindness wherever and however we can and teach our children to do the same.

READ: What is a Non-Profit? And A List of 10 to Support Today


Food Banks:


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Natalie Rae
Natalie recently returned to Harrisburg, PA after spending a decade in The Rocky Mountains where she founded and ran a holistic nutrition company. She is a proud queer, and single mama to an adventurous and compassionate child. She is a fierce advocate for equality and sustainability, and volunteers with Moms Demand Action, various LGTBQIA+, and Environmentalist Organizations. Motivated by a love of nature, she spends a majority of her time camping and exploring around the country or creating art that mimics the wonders of our natural world.


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