There is nothing that fills a soul quite like friendship; looking in the eyes of someone who understands what you’re thinking without a word being said, laughing until you really think you may wet your pants, or a knowing nod at the grocery store when your kid is having a meltdown. An incredible thing about friendship is that it can span decades, or it can happen in an afternoon at a playground. Friendship can fall stagnant for years, only to be renewed with a simple meme sent with “this reminds me of you.” Friendship can be small talk during shared tasks at work, or it can run deep as the ocean, buoying you up against the currents of life.
Having recently relocated half a country away from our friends, my kid and I have had human connection top of mind a lot recently. When we left the West to explore the Northeast, the hardest part was leaving the friends who had become our family. But once we settled down in a town, it took almost no time for my kid to start making new friends. Their afternoons are spent doing almost the same thing any other kid will do. Six years old seems like a fairly easy time to have fluid friendships that come and go with the tides.
READ: The Power of Affirmation: How Three Words From Another Mom Changed Everything
My own friend group was slightly slower to stabilize. Luckily, I am outgoing and enjoy participating in community activities, so I often put myself into situations where friendships can be sought and found. In a duel search of self-fulfillment and friendship, I have joined sports teams, book clubs, grassroots organizations, and volunteered. By mixing my interests with group activities, I have made a positive impact on the local community while filling my cup and meeting wonderful people, some of whom have grown into true friends.
Since embarking on our traveling journey, my kid and I have had to adjust our ideas of the meaning of friendship. To me, friendship is human connection, a fellow soul that nods to yours, a premade dinner left on your doorstep with a note that says, “so you don’t have to make dinner tonight.” As a single parent, friendships are my strongest relationships. I am incredibly lucky to have so many folks who I can call my friends. From those who I’ve known since my pre-parent days, to the mother who I helped spitball ideas for her kid’s 5th birthday at the park last week… let’s take this International Day of Friendship to appreciate everyone who shares some of themselves with us.