Fireflies and Whoopie Pie: Foster Care and How to Get Involved


fireflies and whoopie pie, foster care

Sarah and Allison from the Lebanon County Foster Care Alliance join Fireflies and Whoopie Pie to talk about foster care – what it’s like fostering, who can be a foster parent, what their organization is doing to help foster families, and how you can help.

Foster care is a great need across the country, and that’s true in South Central PA, too. There are many children in need of foster families, and current foster parents often need more help from the community than what is offered. That’s where the Lebanon County Foster Care Alliance comes in: to fill the gap and help.

READ: Adoption Isn’t a Blessing: Facing the Pain, Trauma, and Reality

Show Notes:

About the Fireflies and Whoopie Pie Podcast

WHO: Fireflies and Whoopie Pie will be hosted by South Central PA Mom contributors each week, as well as feature local moms and experts to bring YOU information you want and need to know.

WHERE: You can listen wherever you listen to podcasts – iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, on Alexa, and more! Please be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.

WHEN: New episodes will drop every Monday.


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