Sleep Awareness Week: Catch Better ZZZZs with Some Easy Tips


Have you or your children had a difficult transition to the time change? You are not alone. As my eyelids grow heavier and I watch my children yawn multiple times I am reminded how essential sleep really is.

Sleep Awareness Week is celebrated March 12 – 18, 2023, and what better time to curl up and drift into a deep slumber? Sleep Awareness Week was created by the National Sleep Foundation, and ultimately seeks to promote better sleep as a way to increase overall health and well-being. On March 13th, the world celebrates National Nap Day, while World Sleep Day is on March 17. How will you practice self-care this month? Just in the way your phone needs to be recharged, so does your battery! You owe it to yourself to catch up on some zzz’s — even if just for this week!

We’ve heard that getting rest is important and supports our health in so many ways. Here’s a few ways getting your zzz’s serves you:

  • Gives your body time to fix itself and heal
  • Gives your brain time to grow and learn
  • Helps you feel better and perform better
  • Affects hormone levels needed by your body and mind

In a survey of nearly 31,000 people about their health, those sleeping under five hours each night were compared with those who slept seven hours. The results showed those who slept fewer hours were more likely to develop health conditions, including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, higher blood fats, strokes, and heart attacks. Luckily, there are some simple changes that can make a big difference.

Consider incorporating these seven positive routines to support your sleep cycles, limit disruptions, and promote better rest:

  • Get daylight exposure
  • Be physically active
  • Don’t smoke
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Limit caffeine in the afternoon and evening
  • Don’t eat late
  • Restrict in-bed activity for sleep… with sex being the one exception!

No matter what ways you choose to implement into your routines, head on over to to continue learning more about sleep and all it can do for you.


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